
best wish是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

best wish

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1.美好祝愿 Sigil Blessing 印记加持 best wish 美好祝愿 wish for 盼望,希望得到 ...

2.许个良好祝愿 爷爷奶奶惊讶 astonish 许个良好祝愿 best wish 美女穿件连衣裙 dress ...

3.祝福 生日 - Happy Birthday 祝福- Best Wish 爱情- Love ...

4.至佳祝福意大利海岸地区菜谱,令鱼肉美食家十指大动;而甜点“至佳祝福”(Best Wish)由意大利圣诞布丁、马萨拉甜酒酱、芒果奶 …

5.最棒的祝福 5Hope you Happy( 希望你快乐 1Best Wish( 最棒的祝福 2Only Love( 只爱你 ...

6.祝福墙前留祝福 ... I love summer! / 我爱夏天! Best Wish / 最美的祝福 Crazy Olivia 35 / 疯狂奥莉薇 35 ...


1.It will be the Spring Festival of 2008 in a week and the best wish of every person away from home is to return for the New Year.再过一个礼拜就是农历鼠年春节了,回家过年成了每个游子最大的心愿。

2.my soft greeting, bringing my best wish to you. it is like the warm sunshine, filling your eyes and your heart!轻轻一声问安,将我心中的祝愿化作太阳光般的温暖,永恒地留在您眼中、您心中。

3.She acquits so will. And especially dialect. She knows how to face them in public. So I think show my best wish to her, to go future.她(获胜者)的表现很出色,尤其是语调,她懂得如何面对观众。我祝愿她能走得更远,直至最后一轮比赛。

4.I deeply hope you two can lead a happy life. you know that best wish is from the bottom of my heart.楼主看来是真的想要这个话,我就按照意思,不按照你的文字来翻译了.见谅!

5.Best wish to your baby and to his mother.祝福宝贝和他的妈妈。

6.Right with accompany me to my all life, and I could find a good job suit me, but it's only a best wish.而且我能够找到一个好的适合我的工作,但是这个只是一个好愿望。

7.the different barriers has different methods to dealing, but all of these barriers means best wish to bride.不同的路障有不同的解决方法,但有一点,都是对新娘的一种良好祝愿。

8.Best wish for you and Happy Birthday! Sweet Dreamland .生曰快乐,愿你有一个甜蜜的梦境。

9.just my best wish for you. . . I hope you can get a boy love you so much more. . .我把我最好的祝福给你,我希望你会找到一个更爱你的男孩…

10.Best wish, a few photos to share with you.最大的心愿,拍了几张照片与大家分享。